SP24.0.2 has issues...

If you're in a crunch just download SP 24.0.1.

1. Rename the .PAR to .ZIP.
2. Expand the folder and find the system.zip, system2.zip, system3.zip, system4.zip. Expand these all into a new directory called system
3. Find the jdeuser.dll from SP 24.0.1 and replace the SP 24.0.2 dll.

This should be temporary only until you get the POC fix (may take awhile).

Just so everyone is aware I installed SP24.0.2 on an Iseries in July and they aren't having any issues.
Are there any other AS400 clients using SP24.0.2?
I have installed it at one of my client on iseries.
The web is ok, no issue but I got the instability issue with the Citrix user. I have fixed it with the POC from Oracle mention on this thread

Marco Barrotta
Senior Oracle EnterpriseOne CNC

I read your post with interest. I recently downloaded SP24.1.2. I haven't done anything with it yet, just reading the jdelist to see if there are any issues. Are you saying with your "Wait until the third realease rule" that I should wait for SP24.1.3? Thanks in advance.

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