SP22 - Serious Data Corruption problem


Well Known Member
Hi All,

we have recently upgraded from SP18 to SP22 and also from V4R5 to V5R2 on our development iseries box and we are currently doing some testing. We have noticed a serious data corruption problem which we would like to share and also determine whether anybody else is experiencing. It may be quite hard to spot because it is only likely to be seen on a site which has large data or by users who enjoy performing complex queries! Here is one example of how the data corruption problem occurs:

a) Have 2 standard (non-modified) applications open, eg. Item Branch Information P41026 and Summary Availability P41202
b) Enter Item Branch P41026 application and perform a query which will last at least several seconds. For example leave the item number blank and press 'Find'.
c) Whilst the 'Find' is processing, enter the summary availability screen and enter an item number in the 'UITM' search control at the top of the screen and press 'Find'. (you may be able to reproduce this better if you have 'type ahead' switched on and use an item that you have entered before)
d) The results displayed in the grid of the summary availability screen are nothing to do with the selected item number! Sometimes a message is displayed in yellow at the foot of the screen saying 'application locked - other applications processing' but usually this is not displayed.

It is apparent that the search engine is somehow mixing up the second 'find' selection criteria with the search that was initiated from the first 'find' from the Item Branch inquiry. This is potentially serious as the user can select one of the incorrect grid rows within the summary availability screen thinking (quite rightly) that it is correct data. If the user presses 'Find' a second time. after the Item branch query has finished, then the data is correctly displayed again.

This can be repeated at will on other screens and only in the SP22 development environment. Our production environment, still running under SP18, is ok. We are currently trying to ask Peoplesoft to correct this error but as expected there will be pressure from them that this is a "feature". I believe that this is a bug introduced within SP22 after the multitask applications option has been removed. The users can no longer have more than 1 application open whilst processing BUT if thery already have 2 windows open then the above scenario is happening.

This maybe only obvious when you have users, such as in customer service area, who are using multiple screens and performing complex queries, but surely Peoplesoft aren't going to restrict us to use 1 window only!!

Anybody else out there able to replicate this?


Andrew Holder

Xe base, iseries V5R2, SP22, citrix
Te voy a platicar que aquí nos sucedió algo muy similar, cuando actualizamos el sistema operativo del servidos AS400, de la version V4R5 a la V5R1, después de largas investigaciones y que los problemas no terminaban de solucionarse se opto por instalar la version V5R2, con esta versión, y el service pack, 5.2-SI10914, logramos darle mayor estabilidad a las aplicaciones. Aun así, teníamos otros problemas, uno de ellos era de que tardaba mucho tiempo en mostrarnos las consultas en la pantallas, o bien nos traía otros datos que no eran los adecuados.

Aquí nosotros tenemos aproximadamente 180 clientes locales de JDEdwards, actualizamos
a los 180 usuarios con la versión del Client Access V5R2 y el service pack 5.2-SI10914, ya que si no hacíamos esta actualización en los clientes locales, teníamos el problema de que se dañaran los "SQL packages" que se encuentran en el servidor, provocando lentitud y el procesamiento de datos erróneos.

Después de la actualización, existieron algunos clientes locales, que aun presentaban este problema, y optamos por des habilitarle la opción de: "Habilitar soporte dinámico ampliado( paquetes)" , esta opción la encuentras en:
Panel de control > Herramientas Administrativas >Origen de datos(ODBC) > System DSN> Business Data - PROD>Paquetes

esto hacia un poco mas lentas las consultas, pero se encontraban mas rápidamente los datos.
Ojalá esto te pueda ayudar.
Thanks for the reply but my Chinese isn't too good, could you put it in English please!


Andrew Holder
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