Set UBE Error


Active Member
Hi List,

Does anyone know how to let user receive Email with "Job completed with Error" from work center. I use system "Set UBE Error" and it works for Financial Report, but it does not work for non-Financial Report, even I try to crash it by divid by zero, I still receive email said "Job completed normally".

Thanks for any idea
Raymond Xe AS/400 SP21
There are a few chapters written in the OneWorld Development tools manual on error messages. I recommand you to read "Understanding Batch Error Messaging", since there is a lot of information there.

You basically need to get a handle to the PPAT system through PPAT Messaging API's. You can use some special messages that will group errors together so the user knows which record is in error. At the end of the report, you call the PPAT Messaging API once more to commit the messages to the highest level.

You completely right, I "copy" from what ever JDE doc said and works fine.

Thanks again
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