Session Timeout


we have session timeouts set at 30 minutes and it drives everyone nuts. Our CNC guy refuses to increse it because Oracle discourages anyone to do it. is there a reason we cannot raise this to 2 hours? we have normally 20 concurrent users.
I'm a CNC too, and I agree with your CNC, but before considere increase your sessions timeout you need answer this questions, why do I need increase this value?.

The session timeout just affect users sessions in activities.

Please note that this is a crucial timeout value. Setting the timeout higher than 30 minutes may cause high memory usage and out of memory conditions/errors. Please take care in using this setting as performance may be adversely affected.

For OAS:
E1: JAS: How To Set The "Session Timeout" Value For Any Application Server [ID 1488013.1]
You can definitely go higher than 30 minutes.

The main point to keep in mind is that , the more sessions the JAS server has to hold in memory , the more memory (RAM
) consumption you will see. So if your servers are sized comfortably for 20 concurrent users (which I imagine it is) , increasing to hour or may be even 2 hours should be OK. I have personally not gone over 2 hours , but would be interesting to hear if people have done that and had good results.

Depending on your Web Server Platform there are a few settings to change

JAS.INI setting change(applicable to all platforms)

if using WebSpehere then there is a HTTP Server timeout and also WebSphere Application Server settings.

If using Weblogic and you wish to go greater than 60 minutes , then there is an xml file that needs to be edited

Refer to the below two documents on the support site depending on what version of web server you are using.

635265.1 E1: WAS: How to Configure Inactive Timeout for JAS with WebSphere

1266793.1 E1: WLS: Weblogic Timeout Adjustment
doc clearly says not to increase.
This will lead huge problem e.g memory/cpu increase and users will find them hanging you need to then restart servers. I know two of my clients had issue increasing timeouts.
Ice already mention this will take memory and want you to do the test.

Our users were also complaining bitterly when the timeout was 30mins and we refused to increase the timeout. Eventually we had to give in as there was too much pressure. The timeout is now set to 2hrs and this has not affected performance. We have 110 concurrent users connected to 6 weblogic servers on Oracle VM incl database, UBE/Logic and deployment servers. All these servers operate at between 90% and 99% idle.
thank you for your replies. i understand about memory usage, and we will need to increase the space for that, but, really 30 minutes is not realistic for normal users. Life happens, phone calls to answer, documents to check etc, and the users get truly upset with the time lost in starting all over again.

i wish Oracle would find a way to help with this.
Two hours here too...

In regards to the comment regarding memory, for a system with 20 users I would tend to think that no increase will be necessary. I would hope that the system was properly sized for the number of users. You need to think that if a user gets a timeout and they immediately log back in a few minutes after getting kicked off, then you are not saving anything by having it set to 30 minutes. The load that was removed from the system when the user was timeout was only temporary. For a system with 20 users I expect that is happening at lunch or break times.

What you do want to do is train you users to be good JD Edwards citizens by not entering a sales order, causing reservations, and then leaving for lunch, or doing the like.
I agree with Ron.
We are using 20 minutes and only lazy users ;) complaining about it.
Session timeout

We have had to set ours to 4 hours.
We generally have 250 concurrent uses on 12 Websphere clustered jvms.
Jvms start out at 2gb heap and can grow to 4gb.
We have occasionally had high memory usage but no crashes due to out of memory errors.
Make the users happy and give them longer timeouts.. Assuming you are running Weblogic SE with a load balancer in front, if you have to scale up slightly, your cost should be limited to RAM which is cheap...
thank you for your replies. i understand about memory usage, and we will need to increase the space for that, but, really 30 minutes is not realistic for normal users. Life happens, phone calls to answer, documents to check etc, and the users get truly upset with the time lost in starting all over again.

i wish Oracle would find a way to help with this.

An interesting way one customer handled it - We set the WAS/JAS timeouts to two or three hours and GPO'ed a screen lock to 30 minutes. This satisfied the ninnies who think a Russian agent is going to walk into the building, sit down, and login to E1 and steal all the secrets while satisfying users that work will not be lost when the boss calls them into their office while they are in the middle of something.
We had to set for one of our clients to 4hrs owing business demands
We generally have 250-300 concurrent users during business hours , take it as 8 to 10 hrs max. Jvms set at 2gb max.
Its normal. We are not facing any issues regarding out of memory till now.
We had to set for one of our clients to 4hrs owing business demands
We generally have 250-300 concurrent users during business hours , take it as 8 to 10 hrs max. Jvms set at 2gb max.
Its normal. We are not facing any issues regarding out of memory till now.

Hi Gopal , we do have same requirement.
Was on Linux . Can you please details: heap memory of your jvms, concurrent users on each jvm and Physical memory of the jas server.

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