Reconcile AR GL


Hi all,
We’re attempting to reconcile the sales ledger (account receivable) with the GL and are getting some peculiar results. I was wondering if there is anyone else out there who’s had a similar problem?
Basically our debtor account in the GL shows a lower figure than the amount for all open items in Accounts Receivable. We’ve looked at all outstanding batches and checked all integrities theses all appear fine and none mention the difference. I have also run a combination of GL by object account to check the postings into the GL and for the AR postings we’ve ran the Invoice journal and the receipt journal. These seam to reconcile perfectly.
My question is which should we believe: the amounts that have been credited and debited or the amount the sales debtors account believes it has in it?
Many thanks
A developer I work with who has recently gone through the pain of balancing has provided the following........

In Short I believe the Accounts Receivable trial balance is probably the most likely to be correct.

- The long answer follows:

We have had the same problem and perhaps you should check the following:-

Our A/R trial balance includes ALL items in the F03B11 at that moment in time
Our G/L Object Account Trial balance is as at the last run of R09801

In order to synchronise the two we run both report jobs by autoscheduler in the late evening when there are no other jobs running that can add cash or charge items to the AR Ledger. We also check the status of all batches at 5.00pm to ensure they are ready for posting and we run a bulk post (R09801) at 7.00PM to ensure the Object Account (F0902) is up to date. Sometimes we have a discrepancy so we also schedule an Unposted Batch report (R007011) to list unposted cash batches from our z-file interface.

This process does not imply there will be no difference as sometimes errors occur that can bring the two out of balance but by monitoring this you should be able to reach a "stable" difference and decide what to do from there. By regular monitoring of these reports we recently found that our attempts to repair a batch had unintended consequences between the two and did a simple SQL fix on the AR data. Following the above process we now balance to the cent 99.999% of the time.

I hope this helps to clear up your issue
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