open a form in view only mode.


Active Member
Hi List,

How do I open a form in "View Only Mode". From Find/Browse I am connecting
to Fix/Inspect form. Any pointers will be appreciated.



R. Rajendra Kumar
IS Department
United Advertising Media

First, welcome to the list.
Second, please put your configuration in your messages.
Third, this question should more properly be in the Developers Forum.
Fourth, and what you really wanted, an answer to your question:

You can either remove or disable the OK button on your Fix/Inspect form.

Tim Rathjen
B7332 SP16 Oracle 8.1.6 Intel/NT OptioDCS 6.3.6
Hi Ray,

Tim is right about system configuration info and about the apropriate Forum.

What about to secure the Add, Copy, Delete and Update actions?



B7332 SP11, ESU 4116422, Intel NT4, SQL 7 SP1
(working with B7321, B7331, XE too)
Hi Zoltan,

Thank you very much for the response. My issue is different, I have around
11 Processing Options (PO) which I pass before the application is opened.
Depending on different PO, we are controlling the functionality. In one
case, depending on a certain PO, Fix/Inspect screen needs to be opened in
"VIEW ONLY MODE". I can write a event rule on "POST DIALOG IS INITIALIZED"
to disable controls individually ( I need to disable 30 Business fields). I
was looking for one command to open the FIX/INSPECT form in view only mode.
Any ways, I wrote event rule to disable fields individually and it works.

Thanks again for such a quick response. In future, I will try to direct my
question to right forum.


B73.3.1 SP 7.1,Intel NT4, SQL 7

R. Rajendra Kumar
IS Department
United Advertising Media
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