Multiple levels for Kits



I want to expose to you our problem: we want to sell ensembles of meubles (say one bureau, one chair, one table) and the best here is using kit. But in the stock, our items are not bureaux, chairs, tables, but paquets composing those articles. The stock is managed at the paquets level. The other ideal is to consider that the bureau is composed of paquet#X, 2 paquets#Y... as if it is a kit. But kit is only one level. So what are your ideas, to make the life easy for both: the seller with kits and the stocks manager seeing his paquets. Any idea is welcome.

Would a solution of setting up the chair, table etc as phantom items be of
any benefit.
The ensembled kits would be made up of the phantom items which in turn would
comprise of the paquets (packets !!)
Re: RE: Multiple levels for Kits

Your suggestion is good, but seems impossible, because my collegue said that a kit is composed by items of type Stock (type 'S') and so an item cannot be at the same time of stock type and a phantom one. Can you develop more for my collegue ?
Re: RE: Multiple levels for Kits

You can set up Bills of Material ("Kit" - P3002) for Stocking Type "K" or "F" - this is standard functionality. Read the "Sales Order Management" Manual in the section concerned with "Working with Kits".

Also study your UDC 41/I and learn more about the Stocking Type. Both "K" and "F" are usually shipped with a 2nd Description code of "M" to make them "Manufactured" so you can enter a Kit. This is also true of "S", therefore P3002 will treat them all the same.
Re: RE: Multiple levels for Kits


After a certain amount of tests, I am back.
We tried to define the kit, and the component of kit are phatom items, each phantom item is composed of packets/inventory items.
Our problem now is that we want to calculate the kit price based upon its components, but it seems that this is impossible: even if we put prices on phantom articles, EO seems not to take into account this fact, it takes the whole kit price or the sum of the packets prices(that we don't know).
Is there any method to correct the behavior of EO to act like we hope: the price of the kit is calculated as the sum of the phantom items ?
Re: RE: Multiple levels for Kits

Can someone answer to my last post. I am blocked. Help please. Thanks
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