MS Access can't see new style AS/400 logical files


MS Access can\'t see new style AS/400 logical files

We have Xe and ran 'end co-existence' to get ready for 8.11. This replaced logical files in our business data library (e.g. F0006LA -> F0006_1) We have Access and VB apps that used the old logicals. I tried to link to the new indexes, but they don't show up when you browse (i.e. "link table" inside Access). The table names show up and link fine, just not the indexes. Is there something different about the new indexes besides the change to the file extension from "LA" to "_1" ? We are using iSeries Access V5R3 ODBC driver.
Re: MS Access can\'t see new style AS/400 logical files

you will need to recode all your programs, in access, VB and even RPG. The old LA was part of the JDE World system and you go that as part of co-existance. Not because you were using XE. All true neworld installs on the 400 use the F0101_1 or F0101_2 sequence sets. This is the NEW standard..

Good luck.
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