More than one instance of Vertex on the same AS/400

GSI Inc.

GSI Inc.

Well Known Member
I am about to start testing the new version of Vertex. The last time I put it on another AS/400 and pointed the connection to that system.. Is there a way to use the same as/400 but a different lib name? This would save a lot of time and be more of a true test because our test box is at V5R3 and our prod box is at V5R1. If we did it the way I did it last time I do not consider that a true test. Any help would be greatly appreciated. Thanks, Angelis
I don't believe that Vertex supports multiple instances on the same AS/400 instance.

Since your test box and your production box are on different OS releases, using your last test methodology you shouldn't rely on the results 100%. On the other hand, if you're like us you don't have a lot of spare AS/400s laying around, so you may have to just have faith (and pray a lot). In general, I wouldn't expect a lot of difference between Vertex on V5R1 and Vertex on V5R3. JDE is more likely to be a problem than Vertex.
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