Message Form (Pop-Up Window) Positioning on the Web



Is there any way to control the positioning of a Message Form (Pop-Up Window) on the web. In my experience positioning seems to be arbitrary. Some message forms show up completely visible in the browser while others may show up half visible/half hidden, with the window title bar inaccesible under the IE border, making the generated pop-up window unable to be moved to a more usable state.

I call the Message Form like this:
Call( App:AppName , Form:MsgFrm )

I know there are position settings (Top/Left) on the Size/Pos tab in the Message Form Form Properties, but they are greyed out.

Thanks for any help.

Can anyone please help in the same issue to position the message form in the web?

or is there any other form through which we can position the form in the web on a particular size.

Thank you for any help.

JDE Tech 9.1
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