Losing user defined forms



Hi List.

Since a couple of days we face a strange problem. Our users are used to arrange the columns in any program to fit their own needs and save this form. It worked for months without problem. But now these settings are lost randomly. It happens with different programs, different users (including me.. and i definitely have admin rights :( ...).

Had anyone the same experience and/or a solution ????

Thanks in advance for your help !

This sounds like an issue with user overrides (Which are quirky at best). you can view and work with user overrides via the P98950 App. One thing to try would be to clear all user overrides (F98950) and let users recreate and see how it goes. I believe the best approach is to limit the use of user overrides by instead working with the users to see what applications the need custom views of and then create a version of the applications to accomplish this. i usually find that it is only a handful of apps that the users need custom views of.
I think it was sp 18 where jde instituted a new way of storing the user overrides in the hopes of stabilizing this function.
I don't have many of the details but do remember that in order for the system to start using the new method for a particular user you had to delete all of that user's overrides and then start anew.
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