Looking for jdbc for XE WAS50



Owner - Rockford Consulting LLC
Hello List,
I installed WAS502 and XE SP23_K1 JAS on a new Windows 2003 server. Done this one a few times and usually no problems (or at least no problems that three or four weeks of banging my head on my desk couldn't solve).

However, on this new box when I start the JAS server I get an error that the jdbc driver could not be registered. Our enterprise server is AS400, so I am using the jt400.jar driver. My question is: I want to make sure I didn't just type the path in incorrectly during the install and I want to check where Webpshere is looking for the driver, but can't find that reference anywhere. Looked in jas.ini, httpd.conf and a few other places, but no luck yet. Anyone know where that info is kept?

Two places I believe...search for a file named Variables.xml, it should exist way down in a folder underneath your appservers name in the websphere subdirectory. This should contain the location of the driver. Also, from the WAS admin console, depending on your configuration, you should see it under "resources/JDBC Providers", supply the node name (usually server name) and application server name, and apply, and you should be able to access it's settings.
I found the variables.xml file and, sure enough, the folder name was slightly wrong. Now I'm running.

JDEList strikes again.

Thanks, Jim.
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