Knowledge Garden offline

It looks like there is some kind of a problem. I have not been able to gain access for a couple of days. I get the following messge when I try to connect:

HTTP/1.1 Server Too Busy
Peoplesoft knows about the problem as of 8:35am EST.
Just got to be patient I guess until it's back up...
Are you getting a login screen when you first access the KG? If not, you need to contact your web admin and check what access was supposed to be granted.

wbrink <[email protected]> wrote:List,

I am able to login with Peoplesoft but as soon as I do a search in the KG (for example because an ESU has server package build errors) I get

And that's the end of the story...

Can anyone give a hint to get access...
OneWorld Xe Unix HP9000 11 Oracle 8.1.7 Citrix


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