


Legendary Poster
Hello all,

Some of you have been using out free JDETrace tool to analyze the JDEDEBUG.LOG file. Thanks for all the feedback and encouragement. We have made some updates to the application to make it more useful:

-Analysis panes for SQL, BSFNs and JDECache usage.
-Improved icons to help find program errors.

We also provide the ability to analyze a JAS debug log. While we're still tweaking this feature, it does simplify the process of working with these files. Specifically, showing the SQL statements with all parameters in place saves time.

Feel free to try JDETrace at:

and please let us know if you have any problems or ideas to help make it better.

nice piece of software !
A small problem : I tried to install the new JdeTrace over my old JdeTrace installation and the install program did not let me do it, saying I had a more recent version installed.
I had to uninstall JdeTrace then install the new version.

Edit - Nevermind... I just noticed that there was an instruction on your website to uninstall previous versions.
Hey I have a small problem.
I would like to generate the sql statement corresponding to a business view. Since I dont know any tool to do that (without having to play with Databrowser and the jasdebuglog file), I wanted to use Jde Object Browser to browse the data of the View and at the same time log the SQL statement using JDETrace. but I don't see JDE Object Browser in the process list, all I have is activeconsole.exe.
But on your website, I think I saw the process ObjectBrowser.exe on the screenshot.
Do you know what I could be missing ?
Hi reivilo78,

You can add applications to the process list by
Selecting Options from the View menu. Type in the exe name (objectbrowser.exe) and hit the add button. It should then appear in the Processes list going forward. Note you can also control the refresh rate and font from that dialog as well.

thanks for the feedback,
Hi Craig,

Thanks for your previous answer.
Here is a small "bug" i found :
- open a debug file
- search something in it and get a result list
- close the file
- open the file
- double click in the search list

I also have a small suggestion : would it be possible to sort by time when you are viewing all the threads of one file. Right now they seem sorted when you are viewing a single thread but not when you are viewing the whole file.
and I get unsorted debug files when tracing interactive applications using server manager. I imagine the processing time would be much longer but it would be useful in some cases I think.
Also when you double click in the search list it brings you to the line in the thread view and I would like the option to get to the line in the global view
Thanks for the feedback.

Would it make sense to group the threads by USER in the left side thread view?

Hi Craig,

Yes, I guess as there cannot be more two users from 1 thread.

Another suggestion : have a tree view of the SQLs in the SQL tab

for example :
+timecode1 select * from crpdta.F4101 where....
+timecode2 insert into crpdta.F4101
+timecode1 select * from crpdta.F4211

And double clicking would bring you in the log file.
Also have a view with total time spent on "select" queries (for performance studies)
ex :
Query Total Time
select abac01 fom crpdta.F0101 where abac02='XX' 12.567 s
Happy New Year.

Wanted to let you all know of some updates to the free JDETrace tool.
<ul type="square">
[*]SQL and BSFN entries now show the time each operation took.
[*]Long Tasks pane lists all SQL and BSFN entries where the execution time is longer than a desired threshold.
[*]Errors/Warnings pane lists all BSFN errors/warnings and GBR Error details
Thanks for the continued feedback and support. Please let me know of any issues or questions.



Here's an enhancement request:
- Provide the ability to export from the Docked Windows

For example, Timing Gaps. You generously provide the timing gaps - but there is no means (at least that I can find) to export that list to either .txt or CSV. I have developers asking me how they can export a list of 'Gaps', so they can make themselves a check-off sheet or cut/paste the SQL Statements into SQL-Advisor.

Any thoughts?

Thanks db,

You can copy and paste the SQL from the Raw Details pane, if that's what you're referring to with the last statement. I'll look to add an option to export the list. I do have an update that isn't released publically yet. It includes a cache browser to let a developer view records in a local jdeCache. Maybe I'll roll this into that update.


Thank You so much. In JD Edwards Development community nobody is better than You.
I have a beta release of JDETrace I'd like to make available from:


Remove your previous version prior to installing.

This includes the export functionality Dan asked for in the timing gaps pane, plus a revamp of how the timing gaps work. Also a cache browser has been introduced. This is a more advanced developer tool allowing you to fetch the records in a jdeCache. You need to identify the structure of the cache, which can be saved and re-used. You access this from Cache Details pane. Find a cache instance and right click; if the cache is available a Browse Data option will appear. From there you define the structure or load an existing one. Next hit the refresh Data button from the cache toolbar or menu and you should see all the records in the cache.

As always, I'd appreciate any feedback as I'm sure this will go through a few iterations of development.


Love the tool and thank you so much for all of the work you put into it. I recently was trying to research an issue an found that my raw JDEdebug.log showed a failed to find requested column error (see below) table and I could not find it when looking in JDE trace. Just wondering why that might be and if it would be possible to have that included and flagged as red. Again just a comment and thank you again for all your hard work.

Feb 05 14:06:32.604051 - 1108/4032 WRK:Starting jdeCallObject Exiting JDB_SetSequencing with Success
Feb 05 14:06:32.604052 - 1108/4032 WRK:Starting jdeCallObject Entering JDB_SetSelection (hRequest 2A1B0120)
Feb 05 14:06:32.604053 - 1108/4032 WRK:Starting jdeCallObject JDB9900267 - Failed to find requested column -- in the table F560713
Feb 05 14:06:32.604055 - 1108/4032 WRK:Starting jdeCallObject Exiting JDB_SetSelection With Failure
Feb 05 14:06:32.604056 - 1108/4032 WRK:Starting jdeCallObject Entering JDB_ClearSelection (hRequest 2A1B0120)
Feb 05 14:06:32.604057 - 1108/4032 WRK:Starting jdeCallObject Exiting JDB_ClearSelection with Success
Feb 05 14:06:32.604058 - 1108/4032 WRK:Starting jdeCallObject Entering JDB_SetSequencing (hRequest 2A1B0120)
Feb 05 14:06:32.604059 - 1108/4032 WRK:Starting jdeCallObject Exiting JDB_SetSequencing with Success
Feb 05 14:06:32.604060 - 1108/4032 WRK:Starting jdeCallObject Entering JDB_SetSelection (hRequest 2A1B0120)
Feb 05 14:06:32.604061 - 1108/4032 WRK:Starting jdeCallObject JDB9900267 - Failed to find requested column -- in the table F560713

Can you please let me know what the Timing Gaps and Raw Data actually indicate.
What does the Gap Duration actually mean (On Timing Gaps) when it shows for eg. 60.2300000

Please help understand the different tabs on the tool.

Timing Gaps are instances where there is a gap in time between to entries in the debug log. The duration column is in seconds. This can indicate a process waiting for an SQL or network response. For interactive debug sessions this may be normal as the user may not be using the app for a period of time. The threshold for this is set in View->Options and the Long Running Operations. Note: I have seen issues where debug log entries are out of sequence (time wise) and can produce confusing results.

Raw Data is just a dump of exactly what is in the debug log file for the selected log entry. Some long SQL statements are easier to read in this format.

Long Tasks - similar to timing gaps but specifically for SQL statements and BSFN calls. The threshold is set the same way as the gaps

Errors/Warnings - a list of GBR error or warnings

BSFN Calls - a list of each BSFN called with statistics

Cache Details - a list of cache instances referenced during the session. If a cache is still valid, the data can be viewed by right clicking the tree node. You will need to define the cache structure.

SQL Table Access - a list of tables/views and statistics

Find - search the current session for a text string

JDE Processes - a list of processes running on the machine that could produce a debug file. The list is controlled from View->Options Applications. For each process you can toggle tracing, clear the debug log, analyze the current log or clear the caches.

Hi Craig,

Is there any chance you can add a BSFN flow tree please?
So like BSFN A called BSFN B at level 2, that kind of thing.


Thanks for the feedback. John, sorry I missed your earlier post.

If I understand properly, you are just looking for the BSFN calls without all other info. Maybe I can add a way to choose what type of messages to include or exclude from the main tree. How does that sound?

Also, you can copy the BSFN parms to the clipboard for use in ObjectBrowser. Right click on any of the PARMS IN nodes in the tree and you get a context menu with Copy Parms.

You can add applications to the process list by selecting Options from the View menu. Type in the exe name (objectbrowser.exe) and hit the add button. It should then appear in the Processes list going forward.May be refresh.
Part of Log Missing

I'm still using this awesome tool, but I've been noticing something strange in the last couple of debug logs I've worked with. Here's an example:

The last line showing in JDETrace has a timestamp of 14:31:49.731382, but when I open the file in a text editor, even using the JDETrace Open As Text option, the file goes to 14:31:56.423328, so the part I'm looking for isn't showing up in JDETrace. Why is only part of my debug log showing up?
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