JDE, IBM Client Access, and TermServers


Well Known Member
We have a custom app in JDE that uses an ODBC connection to our AS/400 for
some data. (JDE is not running on the AS/400, just houses a seperate
database). When we install a package on our Win2K TermServers (w/Citrix),
ClientAccess loses the stored Login information to connect to the AS/400.
The only fix we have now is to remove and re-install ClientAccess. We have
to do this because the last prompt during the ClientAccess install is for
the stored Profile and Password. This is the information that gets lost and
we have no idea how to add it back in again.

This only occurs on the TermServers(Win2K). It does not happen on the Fat
Clients (Win2K, NT4.0)

Why would JDE cause Client Access to lose the stored info and can it be
prevented? If not, does anyone know how to add that Profile/Password info
back into ClientAccess without removing and re-installing it?

B7332, SP17.1_E1, MSSQL 7.0, NT 4.0

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Use the Operations Navigator. Right click on the Connection and click on Properties on the pull down menu that appears. Look under the Connection tab.
What version of Client Access are you using. I have seen a simular issue in older versions.
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