JDE Account Reconciliation



I am relatively new to JDE but have been placed in charge of doing a feasibility study on the use of the JDE Account Reconciliation tool for our business. Your forum came highly recomended to me and hopefuly you can shed some light on this situation for me.

5 quick questions
What is the JDE Account Reconciliation Tool?

How does the JDE Account Reconciliation Tool work?

In your viewpoint has it proved useful to you?

Is there another accounting/ERP system that offers something similiar so I can relate to how it works?

Any specific problems that you encountered in automating your reconciliations that I might be interested in?
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Basically the account reconciliation tool works by copying all teh specified transactions from F0911 to F0911R. you can then view these trnasactions and mark them as reconciled, so that the next time you view this file only the unreconcoled items are shown. As usual there are processing options and AAIs to govern this.

For example, if you are doing a Bank Rec then you would want to specify your Bank object (& sub) account as reconcilable (AAIs GLRCnn) then run your data reset (2/G0921). Use option 7 on G0921 to look at the reconcilable items and then as you want to reconcile them, mark them as such.

It's a very simple ticing exercise.

As for other tools, there is one called Aquila (which incidentally has a Security suite too) which is owned i the Uk by Klik-IT. www.klik-it.com
Not use the account rec myself but heard good reports. Not sure if it available in the US, but worth a try.
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