Go To URL System function Alternatives for FileNet parameterized URLs


We just added FileNet navigator to our enterprise toolset, with that came a new format for parameterized URLs that we were basing off of the Doc ID in the P03B11. Before we had a connector (intellego-connectx), that totaled out at about 118 characters before the DocID was injected. The new parameterized URLs we're receiving from our FileNet group are 441 characters. The Go To URL function only seems to support 133 characters in our Toolset

Does anyone have a workaround or a better option to use for this or should we be looking for an updated connector that will work with the new parameterized URLs?


"URL function only seems to support 133 characters "

No, that's not the case.

I have URLS that are close to 500 characters in length - invokes using Go To URL function and they work fine (URLs to external systems).
Check the maximum length of the DD Item you've based your URL variable on.
Display the constructed URL in a field on your form and then copy and paste that manually into a browser to see if it works.
Thanks Larry,

The document I was referring to for the valid length of URLs, is DocID: 626456.1, yellow box about midway down.

  • The "Go to URL" system function will only accept protocols 'http://' and 'ftp://'. Attempts to use 'file:///' will not work. In addition the function will remove any references to '\' characters (URL encoded or not) from the provided URL. Special characters should be URL encoded.
  • Clicking on a link referenced by "Go to URL" will open the URL in a new browser window.
  • The length of the URL is limited to 236 characters as of Service Pack 24.1.0 (Xe, ERP8), and 133 characters as of Tools Release (8.11 and above).
The variable is a string of length 2000, it's the same variable that's working for similar, though shorter, sites.
I took your advice and added in a edit box and populated that with my string, just before the Go To URL call, then copied and pasted that into a new browser window, and the string worked.

I'll go through some debug logs and see if anything sticks out to me.


So after doing some additional testing we realized that the problem wasn't the length at all. The length Oracle mentions in the document pertains to <literal> values, as the length of a variable is much shorter.

The problem ended up being some double quotes about 75% of the way through that weren't encoded. Once we made them into %22, it worked correctly.

Thanks for the help,

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