Getting fonts to AS/400


Hi -
Does anyone know how to transfer fonts from your PC to the /b7334sys/resource/font IFS folder on your AS/400? I need to get some check printing fonts to the AS/400 so we can run a OneWorld UBE on the server.
ftp them in binary mode to the resource/truetype directory if they are TTF. If you do not do it in binary mode, you corrupt the font and the engine will not see it.
Copy them in Windows (Ctrl+C) then use Operations Navigator to paste them to the IFS.

I think you will need them in /B7334SYS/Resource/TrueType to get the desired results.

Brent Marxhausen
Independent CNC Consultant
[email protected]

---- JDELIST One World / XE Discussions <[email protected]> wrote:
Does anyone know how to transfer fonts from your PC to the /b7334sys/resource/font IFS folder on your AS/400? I need to get some check printing fonts to the AS/400 so we can run a OneWorld UBE on the server.
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