Formscape 3.4

Ian Taylor

I am a JDEdwards CNC for 2 installations, and we recently had a layoff, and Formscape support was given to me, without any training. I support Create!form on one of the JDE installations, and so they thought I would be the right one to give Formscape to, too. Anyway, I had worked with our previous Formscape guy a few hours here and there, but never actually did a project from scratch to setup a UBE to go to Formscape and process and send an email with the output. Does anyone have a manual that describes this process, or could you put together the basic steps, at least, for me? As a 1st project, I just want to configure R0006P to go to Formscape and maybe add a message, and then email to me. I have run it to FSOSASAVE to create an .fml file, and copied that to the Designer machine, but don't know what to do with it next. I have created a new project, but the initial nodes it creates on the tree don't look similar to our existing projects, at all. Thanks for any guidance you could give this Formscape newbie! Formscape support wants to sell us Professional Services, which I think I need, but unfortunately am not going to get this calendar year, at least.
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