Flush OCM of a web instance doesn't work (XE U6 SP20)


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Flush OCM of a web instance doesn\'t work (XE U6 SP20)

Hi list,

We use the html client of EntrepriseOne Xe Update 6 SP20-R1.
When i do a full package, i then make a full html generation.
To avoid to cut html too long, what i do is that i generate all the serialized objects in a different data source than the "in use" serialized objects tables (F989998/F989999).
When the full generation is done, i'm changing the OCM mapping of those table for "*PUBLIC" so they use the data source where the generation is finished (and after i can safely copy the tables from one data source to another). But to make it work, i have to cut/restart all the web instances, otherwise the OCM change is not effective.

In the web SAW, in the part "Config", there is a button "Flush OCM" that should clear all OCM cache. I don't know if it works with some Xe versions but what i can tell you is that it's not working at all with our !! When you do that, you cannot do anything in your web instance anymore and you need to restart it.

So my question is : Is there any other solution than cut/restart a web instance to make ocm mapping change effective (even with a small delay) ?

Thanks for your help.
Re: Flush OCM of a web instance doesn\'t work (XE U6 SP20)

We had the same bug when we were on SP19 and we called JDE about it. It was fixed in SP21.

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