FDA - custom screen - how do I edit numeric and string data

Cathy Wilbur

Well Known Member
I am using varialbes "EVNTDATE which is string and GDATE which is numeric. Both have a size of eight bytes. How do I edit the display filds. I tried to do the following but in each case it did not work.

From FDA did the following
1) Clicked on field
2) Clicked on Overrides
3) Clicked on Formating
4) Clicked on Formatting radio button
5) Selected Mask
6) Keyed XXXX/XX/XX for character and 9999/99/99 for numeric.

This did not work. Do I have to put all the formatting in the event rules code. If so then how do I code the formatting.

make it easy on yourself and use a DATE data type item to display your date fields. In your ER code convert to/from your other data type fields as needed.
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