
Marcelo Da Riva

An error is appearing me very frequently that is "a file is in use by another user, please wait a minute and retry". Path indicates b9/pd9/spec/fdaspec.xdb like origin of the error. In order to solve I am reinitiating it the terminal server. I have Enterprise One 8,93 with iSeries, client FAT with Terminal Server 2003 and one does not appear in local clients FAT. Any idea ???
Another user has a lock on the fdaspec file. This can happen even if you have TAMMultiUserOn=1 in the JDE.INI. I've seen it happen from time to time when a user goes idle on certain interactive screens for long periods of time. I've also seen it happen when well intentioned users go into OMW for "troubleshooting" purposes. In most cases, disconnecting the idle sessions can clear this up. You might check your timeout value and see if decreasing the idle timeout decreases file locking.

I don't think this has much to do witht the fdaspec lock, but as you should always do with Citrix client installs, make sure you have a fresh copy of the dddict/ddtext and glbltbl files. If you don't have a habit if running R92TAM and R98CRTGL after each and every full package build, star.
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