Does "X" mark the spot (for logging off) or not?

Robert Robinson

Robert Robinson

Reputable Poster
Does \"X\" mark the spot (for logging off) or not?

Some of our staff are in training, and yesterday the instructor berated a staffer when she exited OneWorld by clicking the 'X' in the URHC of her main menu. The instructor stated that exiting OneWorld in this fashion (rather than selecting 'File/Exit' from the drop down menu) does not release the memory that the session holds. Further, the instructor says this is what they are now teaching in the Foundation class. Is this correct? Should users refrain from 'X'-ing out of OneWorld?
Re: Does \"X\" mark the spot (for logging off) or not?

It is a best practice from my experience to use File/Exit.

Since One World is like most Windows based products, it does not behave correctly on enough occassions to warrant frustration. Poor programming is what it really amounts too. The X should do the same as File/Exit but the X "may" leave and has left processes running.
Re: Does \"X\" mark the spot (for logging off) or not?


The Instructor needs a course on understanding basic windows applications.

If you are in OneWorld Explorer (the Win32 client) - then the "X" is the EXACT SAME EVENT as "File Exit". How do we know this ? Simple. On a REAL fat client (such as your PC) - when you exit OneWorld, after a second or so from closing you'll hear a "beep" - which is actually an event triggered by OneWorld that will notify you it has closed up all (or as much as it can) memory it has been using. This "beep" is triggered from the SAME event as a "File/Exit" as well as the "X" !

However. If you attempt to RESTART OneWorld before the process has cleaned itself up (ie, before the beep sounds) - you will get spurious results - either nothing happens, or oexplore.exe will hang, or - if you're fast enough - it'll log back in to exactly the same place where you exited without requiring a login/password !

Now. If you are on Citrix, the same events occur - but you can't "hear" the beep (since its a system event as opposed to a media event). I recall some of the testing being done in the B7331 version that I managed (the "1000 maniacs" benchmark) where the comments "sounds like crazy f*ing chinese bells" were stated by a colleague because the scripts included login and logout !

Lastly, if you're on the JAS / HTML version - then closing the Internet Explorer using the "X" will definately NOT log you out of OneWorld. In fact, this is extremely dangerous if you are of a security minded personae - since it IS possible for a remote session to "tack onto" your "disconnected" session (if they can spoof the right information in the 10 minutes or so). It is DEFINATELY a good practice on the webclient to click to "Logout" button to ensure that the connection REALLY shuts itself down.

Maybe because OneWorld training is using the webclient more and more these days, that this is being leaned upon by Peoplesoft techs to ensure that users fully understand the implications of the use of the web client.
Re: Does \"X\" mark the spot (for logging off) or not?

During our training way back in 2001, the instructors told us not to use the X to close JDE applications -- always use the menu. The story (and it's just that -- a story, with no basis in reality) was that it was a Microsoft issue -- the system didn't trigger the same event when clicking the X as when clicking the menu item. As a long-time Windows programmer, I can assure you that this is not a Windows problem, it's simply another example of shoddy programming. Any programmer worth his weight in salt would PURPOSELY have clicking the X and clicking "File, Exit" trigger the exact same event. However, the JDE tools don't handle these two events the same. But to deflect criticism, JDE chose to blame the problem on Microsoft -- as though we're all a bunch of dopes who wouldn't know any better and wouldn't see through this bald-faced, transparent lie.

Sorry, had to vent for a minute. All done with the soapbox now.
Re: Does \"X\" mark the spot (for logging off) or not?

Here has been our experience. If you are a FAT client it doesn't appear to make a difference. If you are using CITRIX it *DOES* make a difference. Clicking on the "X" does close your JDE session, but it leaves your CITRIX session in a "disconnected" state. That user cannot sign back in until the CITRIX sysadmin logs off that user.
Re: Does \"X\" mark the spot (for logging off) or not?

I was told not to use the 'X' from JDE trainers back in 1999. The story I heard is that when the 'X' is clicked, the exit is handled by the API that creates the window, and File->Exit was what the developers could control. I doubt is was a Microsoft OS thing, perhaps it had to do with the development tools (or developers) they were using at the time.

My conclusion is that is may have been a problem at one time, but has long since been resolved. I have not noticed any problems with using the 'X'.

Just my 2 cents.

Re: Does \"X\" mark the spot (for logging off) or not?

It used to be that User Overrides would not be recorded (written to the database) unless the user exited via File->Exit. This was supposed to have changed starting with SP16.x but I've never re-tested since.
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