Disaster recovery


Active Member
What are some of the ways that are being used for disaster recovery?
We are on E1 9.0, toolset 8.98. ALL servers are Dells running Windows 2008 (x32 & x64).
We are currently backing up the entire server(s) to an image and saving them to an external hard drive.
Depending on what you want – backuping entire server will always allow you to restore your system and if you can afford this kind of backup that is fine but it is an overkill …. not suitable for a daily backup.

Do a full backup once for some time …. and introduce incremental backups with some backup software suit – I use commercial ArcServe Backup but there is plenty of others solutions including open source (I was using amanda years ago – don’t know if this is still alive)

Basically all you need is your deployment server files (assuming SM is also there) , deployment database (MSDE or SSE) and enterprise databases – all the rest you can easily redeploy so backuping enterprise and web servers OS on daily basis is a waste of time and resources.
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