Destroy form message


VIP Member
Hello there

I am not a developer but I can do simple and FDA development, I am changing the form and when I close the form it says form destroy message. Is it ok to let it destroy? what is the impact? When I destroy and come back to FDA I can not see the form how to bring back? Only way to erase checkout and redo my changes. Just curious to know.

See screen shot.



  • p331.jpg
    23.5 KB · Views: 18
Yes, clicking the red "X" on the form does destroy the form.
The impact would be that form would no longer exist.
Redoing your changes is the recovery.

To avoid this, don't press the red "X" on a form.

Yep that catches lots out. As stated above, it is not the close we we are used to.

If you want to 'close' the form or see other forms behind it etc, just minimise the form.
Thanks John and Frosty!

Also I assume that the I would like to initialize the constant values for some columns in this form so users don't need to key in all the time whey they enter time, so I use "Write Grid line after and Write Grid line before" event with the values. see screen shot. or may be there is other control I need to utilize?

Thanks in advance.


  • GC.jpg
    12.6 KB · Views: 9

If you do this, you may want to change the Column Properties to "Disable Input".
Great Idea Jim.
Looks like I the event rules I am choosing is correct for constant values.

Hello there

I have tried and deploy the object, I don't see the changes when I click Add button.
I assigned the value to Grid Control (GC) and wondering it is something else? find attach the GC.jpg or there is something else required?


Could you attach your output?
What result you are expecting when click on the add button?
What changes you have made?
Yes i found the way. initially it does not show any values even for predefined user id but when i save or go to next row it insert what i have defined. i guess it just how it works.
Please find the screen shot that how I achieved the solution, I was thinking it should show when user click the ADD button but none of the Grid column does that so I kept same behavior.


  • gc1.jpg
    23.2 KB · Views: 4
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