Dangerous Get


VIP Member
Hi List,
I always considered a GET in OWM a relative safe action. Not so for UDCs.
Here´s what happended.
A programmer was logged into PY9 and did a Get on an entire project. This project contained a UDC. The activity rules for UDCs say to copy from "Control Tables - Test" to "local". But "local" for UDCs seems to be the place where UDCs are (OCM) in PY9, that is "Control Tables - CRP". So the OMW copied the UDC in question from "Control Tables - Test" to "Control Tables - CRP", which did a lot of damage. I repeated the same situation as a test and it happended again. In other words, a Get does actually PROMOTE UDCs from one environment to the other.

Has anybody seen this before?

Thanks, Gerd
E8.9 SP3, AS400, WTS
UDC's in a project are *very* dangerous.

Advancing a project with UDC's in it will cause an overwrite on that UDC's Sytem/UDC pair. I raised a SAR some years ago concerning this behavior. I always remove UDC's from any projects due to this and other dangers. I wish Denver would just leave them out of OMW since most people either use R98403 or SQL or just manually re-enter them to get UDC's to another environment.
we were aware of the danger of advancing the status of a project with a UDC and took the apropriate care. I was surprised that this could happen with a simple GET!

We have disabled all UDC transfer activities in OMC. This is because we do most UDC maintenance in PD. You could just disable all but the ones that you still use to protect yourself.
SELECT * FROM f98225

Xe SP22Q1 Coexistent, V5R2, Citrix, Web
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