Copying custom UBE



Active Member
I have a custom UBE that works without a problem. I need to copy the UBE and then I can begin work on the copied report. I copy the UBE, add a version, and run a quick test to make sure everything came across correctly. What happens is that the UBE will run for a split second, and .pdf gets generated even to say there's an error. I run the original, and everything is fine.

Compared my data selection and it's the same, compared each line of ER and it's the same. The copied UBE's ER validates.

I then tried to debug it. After getting all the variables set up in debug, I run the UBE, and it does the same thing (runs for a split second) and the debugger doesn't even kick off.

Has anyone experienced this before?

Thank you,

Turn on the jde log and see what you get.
Copy that UBE again. Before you do that, make sure to do a GET so you've got the latest specs to work with. Also when you copy, give the new UBE another name. I've had that happen to me before. Rather than spend 10 hrs trying to figure out why, sometimes it's just easier to start over!
I've already tried that and it doesn't help. I'm re-writing it.

Thanks list.
Yeah, I've tried checking in/out/get/advanced get...pretty much everything you could imagine.

I've since re-wrote the report.

Thanks guys
I was having the same sort of problem. After copying a report it was showing a very strange behavior. The custom report (sales analysis) has very lengthy ER’s and was not easy to debug. I was able to solve it after 3 days :(.

I think there is bug in JDE copy functionality;

If there are disabled “IF - ELSE - END IF” lines in ER’s it can make problems.

I had the following type of code

IF [statement]
! IF [statement] //Disabled
! END IF //Disabled


After copy JDE made it as following:

IF [statement]
! IF [statement] //Disabled
! END IF //Disabled
! Else //Disabled by JDE


This can make real problems.
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