coexistence migration


hi to all,

we are preparing to do a coexistence migration in january 2001. we are
currently running world a73 cum 8, and are now starting the cum 11 upgrade
in preparation for the coexistence install first week of january (we expect
all software, servers and os upgrade to our as400 enterprise server to be
completed by end december).

has anyone any experience in a coexistence migration, moreso coexistence
with xe.

would appreciate any tips that could provide us.

thanks in advance.

melo portugal
project director
united laboratories, manila, philippines
(632) 6318501 ext 7141
Please clarify what you mean by Coexistance Migration ? If you will be
running OneWorld on the AS/400, with the data in DB2/400, you will not need
to do a migration, the same DB that you use for World will be used by
OneWorld with some additional files loaded with the A73PC000X3 PTF and then
the consequent OneWorld installation. The only data conversion needed is for
Accounts Receivable as the file are different

I have done a Coexistance install with B7332, for a World customer, not with
Xe, but let me know if I can help.

Best Regards
Lisa Flaherty

Certified Technical Consultancy
Dubai, U.A.E

Tel: +971 50 450 9389
Fax: +971 4 3591 186

>From: JDE_Team_Unilab <[email protected]>
>Reply-To: [email protected]
>To: [email protected]
>Subject: coexistence migration ~~0:1745
>Date: Mon, 27 Nov 2000 16:10:17 -0800 (PST)
>hi to all,
>we are preparing to do a coexistence migration in january 2001. we are
>currently running world a73 cum 8, and are now starting the cum 11 upgrade
>in preparation for the coexistence install first week of january (we expect
>all software, servers and os upgrade to our as400 enterprise server to be
>completed by end december).
>has anyone any experience in a coexistence migration, moreso coexistence
>with xe.
>would appreciate any tips that could provide us.
>thanks in advance.
>melo portugal
>project director
>united laboratories, manila, philippines
>(632) 6318501 ext 7141
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the issues concerned with co-existence itself with regard to data is the application of the 'X2' ptf (prbbly later releases now). This creates all the new files required by OW and the triggers on the World files necessary to keep all in sync (e.g. generic text), it also allows you to determine whether you run AR from World or Oneworld, this is an either or step and it's final. The biggest issues are with the AR conversion. In my experience, this has caused big problems.... ensure the integrity or AR prior to the running of the coexistence ptf.
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