Change Balance Date For G/L


Well Known Member

It looks like we may have to change our balance date for the current fiscal year. Currently our balance is 02/10/04 but the powers that be want to move it to 28/08/04. This will result in us reporting an 11 month financial year for this year. I have checked the system to ensure that we have no transactions entered yet for period 12. Is there any danger in just changing the Fiscal Date pattern for period 12 to be the same as period 11 ie 28/08/04. I would rather not get into a reposting of the G/L situation if I can help it.

Any gotcha's would be appreciated.

Hi Marty,

Sadly, I have no scars on my back to really give you some gotcha's. Nonetheless, what you are suggesting seems reasonable to me. I can't think of any thing that you need to consider. The only thing I would check if I where you is that should you not use period 12, will that have an impact on the user that start capturing data for the next period, which in this case will be period 1 of the new year. I am almost certain that the applications use the number of days using the F0008 file. If so, you shouldn't have a problem with user capturing in the next period. If not, you may have an "issue" with the warning displaying becasue the date is to far in the future.

In summary, I see no reason why it shouldn't work. Still worth while running a few tests though

Hope I have given you some confidence.

Thanks Andrew. We will definately be doing some testing on this.


Thought of a circumstance that you may want to keep in mind. At a recent site, we have a citirx environment with approx 12 terminal servers at the moment. We have discovered that any changes we make to the F0010, not all the users logged on over citrix "pick up the changes", unitl such time as the services are restarted or the Enterprise server is bounced. I can't at this stage give you more info as to why. Suffice to say that if you do have a citirx environement, be aware that it may well be that not all the users have the changed date / open periods as per the F0010. Worth checking, else you could have some transactions in the wrong period. I know you can "recalculate", but why go through that pain.

Thanks Andrew. Actually that's interesting that you mention this because we have struck the exact same problem last night in our Europe office which connects via citrix. I know this is off the track of this thread, but the change we have just made is to map the logic processing to our enterprise server for citrix environments. Now, if a period is changed or reopened, then other users do not seem to pick it up (even if they log off and back on). It seems to be cached on the enterprise server somewhere. Interestingly, if a user enteres a transaction witht he new period dates in a non Citrix environment where logic is mapped locally, then everything seems to clear itself up!! I need to do some more work on this though to find out exactly what is going on.

Thanks for the heads up though.

my understanding is that these settings are cached locally and on fat-client this cache is cleared when you log off, but on Citrix the cache is shared among all users as they are all 'local' to the same box, so is not cleared until the services are restarted, etc

you might be able to change it so that these settings are not cached - which would solve this problem for Citrix, but could have a performance impact for normal use as the value would have to be looked up each time rather than just retrieved from the cache

Gavin Knight, Financials Consultant
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