Advancing the project?


Active Member
we are doing UBE customization in dv7333 with OMW project status 21.In DV7333 we don't have functional setup in our system.We test our UBE's with TESTDATAs. To make my UBE perfect i need to test it with PY7333 where i have functional data. i can advance the project to status 26 where i can do UBE testing with our data. Now the problem is if i face some modifications in UBE then should i change the status back to 21 or How to push the object back to DV7333. In my project i have all the UBEs for one module, for example Sales.So whille pushing back to DV7333 i am unnecessarily pushing all UBEs in the project.Can I use P98604 application for moving a single object?
What I do is use One project for One issue - say One SIMPLE Business Case - that is for a couple of objects (5 to 10 max).
Then I promote that project to PY, have my User test it, and:
- if happy with it, I email the Change Transfer document to our CNC who's work of assigning objects to the package gets easier, and faster.
- otherwise, I demote the project in status 21, back in the Development cycle.
Are there any other/better ways to do it? I'd be glad to hear about them!
Warm regards,
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