Advanced Get from Batch / Enterprise Server


I am in a situation where I need to get specs for a UBE from an enterprise server. An object was working as expected in our QA enviroment and a "minor cosmetic change" was needed. The promotion was then rushed straight to PD. The UBE is not working correctly anywhere except QA now. When I do an advanced get it pulls from the pathcode on the deployment server since the object was advanced to QA in order to go to PD. Is there anyway I could grab the specs straight from the QA batch server where it is working?

Thank you!

Please provide your system configuration (E1 Apps and Tools versions; Platform and OS versions of enterprise, batch, web and database severs; database version; web application server version).

Is there a fat client that still has the original specs for the UBE (may be from backups?)? If so there are a couple of possible ways to reinstate the original specs - depending on the versions of your E1 Apps and Tools, which you have not provided. This would be the best way to reinstate the original specs.

Is your enterprise server a windows server? If not, I am not aware of any way you would be able to get the original specs from that source. Others may know. If your server is a windows server, then it may be possible, though I'm not sure how.
App release: E910
Tools release:
Enterprise server: Windows Server 2008 R2, Oracle DB
Web application server: Weblogic DB is Oracle

We have a couple of workstations (Windows 7) that are being used for development. It is quite possible that one of them still have old specs local. How could I utilize those if it is not possible to grab from the enterprise server?

Thank you you for the reply!

I think you may have misunderstood a comment I made:

Is your enterprise server a windows server? If not, I am not aware of any way you would be able to get the original specs from that source. Others may know. If your server is a windows server, then it may be possible, though I'm not sure how.

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Your enterprise server is a windows server so it may be possible. I do not have any experience with a windows enterprise server, so I don't know.

The methods of getting the specs from a fat client involve using OMW, which I would guess is not applicable to a windows enterprise server.

Note: The following methods require the UBE in question to be in an OMW project at the appropriate status to have access to the correct specs. The OMW rules will need to be set to allow UBEs to be checked in at that status.

Method 1) With later versions you can save the specs of an object as a zip file in OMW and restore from a zip file. On a fat client that has the correct specs, in OMW save the specs for the UBE in question to a zip file. Check out the UBE. Restore the UBE from the zip file and check it in. (It may be possible to restore the UBE to a different pathcode than the one from which it was saved). (You can also copy the zip file and restore it to a different fat client). Then promote and/or build and deploy a package etc.

Method 2) In the database update the appropriate tables/columns to set the status of the UBE as checked out to a fat client that has the correct specs. Log onto the fat client and in OMW, check the UBE in.
Thank you! I was able to identify a workstation that had good specs using the logs in OWM. We had a workstation that had pulled the originally fixed specs local to test and had not pulled specs since. I used method 1 below.

I am still interested if there is a way to pull specs from a Windows enterprise server. If anyone has experience with this I would appreciate input.

Thank you!
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