Advance Project



Well Known Member
Hello List,
What are the standard procedures in order to advance a project?.
If we try to advance the project we are getting errors.
We are getting a error stating that mandaoty activity rules exist.

Thanks so much.

AS/400 V4R5 Xe SP13 (Co-exist)
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I haven't gotten to have a lot of experience with OMW yet - but it sounds
like your CNC/CMA folks don't have the activity rules configured correctly
for OMW.

You can review the XE Documentation for further... If you can't find it,
I'll send you the distructions...

Daniel Bohner
[email protected]
Venerable Guru (or should I say Gura? Are you a She?),
1 - The fairly new JDEdwards site: "OneWorld Xe Support" provides A LOT of documentation concerning OMW/OMC.
2 - However, our experience went tenfold richer (and finally got our projects to a "doable" status) AFTER we asked for (and actually had) a 2_days_customized OMW/OMC Training Class, here in Toronto - our CNC & myself couldn't afford at that time to leave our company, for Denver.
3 - If you do a search on OMW and/or OMC on the JDEList, you should be able to find out some other raised issues.
Paying respectful homages,

Adrian Chimirel
Programmer Analyst
LIVE: B732.1 SP12.2, Oracle 806
RS/6000, Citrix, 200+ clients
Hopefully a detailed logging settings exist on you configuration.
First see the logs, log details, full text after the unsuccesfull operation in OMW. This could help to find what is the problem.
But you can check also the following:
1.) All of the objects hold the token in your project?
2.) All of the objects has checked in (aren't in checked out state)?
3.) Is there any other project that inherits the token of any object of your project?

If you still haven't get the answer for your problem then you have to revise the Object Transfer Activity Rules in OMC. Check the folowing first:

1.) Has the user rights for all of the actions?
2.) All of the actions refers to a valid From and To location.

Maybe these last tasks is a job for your CNC guys not for you.

Good luck,

B7332 SP11, ESU 4116422, Intel NT4, SQL 7 SP1
(working with B7321, B7331, XE too)
Guru in Sanskrit means teacher(male or female).

>>> [email protected] 22/02/01 04:41:08 >>>
Venerable Guru (or should I say Gura? Are you a She?),
1 - The fairly new JDEdwards site: "OneWorld Xe Support" provides A LOT of documentation concerning OMW/OMC.
2 - However, our experience went tenfold richer (and finally got our projects to a "doable" status) AFTER we asked for (and actually had) a 2_days_customized OMW/OMC Training Class, here in Toronto - our CNC & myself couldn't afford at that time to leave our company, for Denver.
3 - If you do a search on OMW and/or OMC on the JDEList, you should be able to find out some other raised issues.
Paying respectful homages,

Adrian Chimirel
Programmer Analyst
LIVE: B732.1 SP12.2, Oracle 806
RS/6000, Citrix, 200+ clients
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Thank YOU, Gopal guru, it was YOU who had something to teach us, at this time. Unfortunately AS400Guru had not, ... :)
Appreciating knowledge exchange,

Adrian Chimirel
Programmer Analyst
LIVE: B732.1 SP12.2, Oracle 806
RS/6000, Citrix, 200+ clients
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