8.12 Web Connections not timing out


Has anyone had issues with web connections for 8.12 not closing when the user logs out or clicks 'X' to close the browser. We have orphan connections and cannot clear them in SAW.
What do you have in OHS httpd.conf for Timeout?

Did you check the KG? I believe there is a known issue with this.
Unfortunately, I use WAS and I faced such issue while timeout settings was
not correct.
Check those Solution IDs for more details.

FWIW, the reason I asked this is because I saw similiar issues with phantom JAS sessions in SAW. My experience was that the web app server had timed it out and ended the session but Apache HTTP kept the session alive.

The problem seemed to be related to the Timeout value in Apache. There is a support line on the HTTP timeout value. For other web apps I have worked on, we never set this timeout value significantly above the Apache default value (300). I contact JDE Support about this and they agreed.

I did some more research on Apache.org and asked JDE about this. This is the support info on Apache for Timeout:

Apache Timeout Setting

Timeout is the amount of time the server will wait for certain events before failing a request. My sense was that setting this value too high kept the sessions "active" in JAS. If you have this value set to 7200 (from the KG article), change it back to the default of 300.

This will invalidate the sessions sooner in JAS. This cleaned up my "hanging" sessions.
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