Testing Modifications


Active Member
What is the best way to fully test a modification to an appication, say P5601012. I have been getting some wierd and wonderful results depending on where I am testing an application, e.g. from fast path, OMW, when attached to a menu. Problems are firther complicated when a non-standard version is added..processing options and the like.
Hello Tom,
I would attach it to a menu (the fast path works fine, too, but you know, you have to type in the gazillion characters that make up your ProgramID.
Warm regards,
Adrian Chimirel
PS It seems that the iv (Interactive Versions) application has a bug, therefore it wont't properly pass the Version you select, to be launched; it will launch the JDE vanilla (ZJDExxx/XJDExxx). That is why you have the weird results (you may have noticed OMW is calling iv ... ).