Replace Default Task EnterpriseOne Menus on FAT (8.11)

Montree P.

Hi All,
I need to see default task EnterpriseOne Menus replece EnterpriseOne Life Cycle Tools.
How can i do this?

On Fat Client 8.11 and Standalone 8.11
Please advice.
You want to change the default task that is shown when you launch the Solution Explorer right..?

On the jde.ini on FAT client change the following entry to have the task id of the task view that you want at startup


If this is not what you were looking for , i'm sorry i dint get your request.
Yes correct. I want to change the default task that is shown when you launch the Solution Explorer. Now i see task name "EnterpriseOne Life Cycle Tools"

Thank for your suggest : I check my jde.ini value.

It was being ExplorerStart=TASK:91 already.
But the default task still be Life Cycle tools Task.

Please advice

Just looked into some detail regarding your issue.

Now as I understand in 8.11 you cannot run any of the Busniness Applications from the FAT client. So you really dont have much use for the EnterpriseOne Menus task view

You can only perform technical & administrative tasks from the FAT client , all of which you should be able to find under the EnterpriseOne Life Cycle Tools task view.

Do you still have a compelling reason to have the EnterpriseOne Menus task view show up. You cant launch any of the applications any way...
Refer to one issue on this site. I can run interactive application by update something in Object Libralian.

Now,I can run application by put the app id on fast path.
I can't remember all app id so i need to see all menu standard name "Enterprise Menus"

I'd be careful resetting the flag and running apps on the fat client. Some apps may not run properly (and apps using the new Power Forms won't run at all), and apps definately aren't tested by Denver to run on a fat client. In my opinion you're playing with fire if you do this in production. And since end users aren't going to do this, I really don't see a reason to do it.
