User Licences Showing Zero


Active Member
My Deployment Server suddenly now showing the number of use Licence as 0(Zero). I have tried resetting the Server setup, removing client Licences .. But it is not working out.
Hope anyone would help me out

(Oneword Xe ,
Deployment Server, Enterprise Server - NT,
Database - SQL Ser ver)
Recently I had the same problem,
You need to check the the number of licences you have and the number of client installations.
There are two files on the deployment server jdeclnt.ddb something like this which maintain the number of installations.
there are even documents available on KG which can become very handy.
take it easy...
sathya hi,
use the following steps:
1)on deployment server log out of one world.
2)from windows explorer, rename jdeclnt.ddc & jdeclnt.xdc, located in the Client Directory
3)log into oneworld in Planner environment, goto security menu (gh9052)
-Reset Software Protection Codes (P98SRV)
-click on Reset server security
-enter new SPC code from the contracts department
-you must have the serial number, the number of licences and the customer info to get a code from contracts.

If prompted by CLIENT MACHINE....

4)On each client goto gh9052 menu, Reset Software Protection Codes (P98SRV)
-click on Reset Client Security
-from form menu click on Get Authorization

Just Check the user Rights of Folder B7333 at Deployment Server, it should be for every one read/write.
I faced this problem before , But that was the solution !!
r u sure that this issue could be solved by giving the user full access rights to that folder??????
please check the XE installation guide page 317, it will show you a chart for setting up permissions for various types of oneworld user.
also please dont grantee a full access to the b7333 folder TO EVERYONE because its NOT GOOD!!!!