How Create!stream 3.x match the PDF extension to process?


Active Member
The Create!form uses a special method to find the match form project based on the PDF name/extension, like R42565_AC123.pdf will be merged with the R42565_AC form project if there are no form projects named as R42565_AC123, R42565_AC12, or R42565_AC1.

How does the Create!stream 3.x match the PDF name/extension to process? Or, the Create!stream script needs to be named exactly the same as the PDF name/extension?

Does the sample PDF need to present in the script folder for the script?

Stream scripts need to be named same name as JDE PDF.

Your options are short name (UBE) or long name (UBE_Version).

Do a Save As to see this.

Did you do any testing?

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