Change assistance to apply ESU'

Jaise James

Reputable Poster
Change assistance to apply ESU\'

Have you utilised change assistant to apply ESU's on a pathccode... I have about 350 memory releated eESU which I would like to apply... I have ben adviced not to do all of them in one shot.. Take abatch of 30-40 at one time....

Also, after applying the ESU, Do I have to go thru one by one for special instruction for each of them.....

Are there any gotcha's I need to be aware of... Can we apply SP1 also thru this.. We are E811 wintel/sql platfom TR 8.95i1

Appreciate your comments and suggestions
Re: Change assistance to apply ESU\'

i have used the change assistant for applying more than 300 esu's at a same time. It did a very good job of applying the esu's one by one. But yeah. the special instructions have to be done manually. so i would suggest you to apply the esu's with sp instructions manually.
