Vocabulary overrides P9220 question


Active Member
When using VO in E1, On searching for any application we would get the forms in tree formt. We need to double click each (+) and then take the control to the row and then we can override.
I need to override all the with Override value 1.
I have 1000 of such application and will take lot of time if i need to do this manually. Can we by some means get this process automated.

Any suggestions. Was wondering if this could be possible with auto pilot or some event rules. I can cusotmise the P9220 rules too i thought. But how.
Have no clue on autopilot but think would be possible If clicking the (+) in auto pilot can be done then i think its not really difficult.

Please help me on this. Also let me know if i need to be more clear with my requirement.

Thanks and Regards,
Rajesh Garg

PS. Could you please bother to also re me on [email protected]