JAS Errors P4210


Has anyone received the below error message when entering a sales order on P4210 for the JAS?

There was a problem with the server while running the business function F4211FSBeginDoc.
The current transaction has been lost.
Please exit the application and restart it.
Set Focus on Grid Line number 111

I have received a similar error message in the past, and JDE recommended doing a full package, deploy it, run R92TAM & R98CRTGL and then regerate it. I have done this and it still doesn't work. JDE is looking currently looking in to it.
Have you made any modifications to the P4210 or the B4200310 Business Function?

We've had various problems with JAS generation, but not your problem specificaly.

Try rebuilding B4200310 on it's own to see if there are any errors building the DLL. If not then it could be worth debuggind the App to see if any dubious values are being passed in.
Thanks for your reply. I copied the csales.dll file from PD to PY and this resolved this issue. JDEs recommendation is to do another full build which should fix the csales.dll file along with any other ones we are not aware of yet.