Cardex UserID issue with dcLINK and JDE OW Xe


We are in the process of migrating from World A7.3 to OW Xe. We would like to transition from dcLINK's 3.2 solution to version 4.1. Currently, we can pass the userID from the RF units through the JDE transactions which eventually pass into Cardex records. This provides accountability down to the users who performed the transactions. I have discovered, through script development, that anything I pass into any nd3* business function as a userid in the userid field becomes overwritten by JDE. The overwritten userid is the transerver login to JDE. Our SAR (6578081) has been closed with no plan to address this issue. We have been advised to use explanation fields to pass the userid field in, but some nd3* functions do not even provide that. Has anyone else run into this problem ? Has anyone crafted a solution so that reporting is uniform regardless how the transactions are performed? I believe this functionality worked prior to Xe. Accountablity to userid is a fundamental requirement of our business and I would like to see how many more DSI/JDE users would like to see this functionality restored.