Citrix Drive Mapping

Soul Glo

Soul Glo

VIP Member

Our 2000 Admin is trying to map a network drive through Citrix for us to use to import data into JDE, however we are having some issues doing so. Has anyone been able to map say a home drive so that wne users log into JDE and attempt to perform an import the H:\ drive is an option. He also tried running JDE via a comman prompt batch file and we get an environmnet error message. I checked the INI file for the cients and they are all fine.

Any ideas
In my experience with Citrix Metaframe a client's network drives are not available to the Metaframe server. Local drives are available if the admin hasn't disabled this feature.
You can work around it if you can map the same drive in the user's login script on the Citrix server.
The soon to be available Windows Server 2003 will allow alllow the server to see the client's network drives.