Year End Update...

Ricardo Paz

Reputable Poster
Hi there, anybody could explain me what the 1099s and W2s/T4s/Releves
Year-End Update Processing means???

Thank's in advance.

OW B73.3.2 SP 16.1 / NT 4.0 Sp 6a/ SQL 7.0 (XE and Win2000 soon)

S.E. Ricardo Paz Castañón
Systems Chief
Comercial de Herramientas S.a de C.v.
+52(81) 8369-35-35 ext. 286
[email protected]
1099 is a USA Internal Revenue Service tax form number, by which a company
reports money paid to non-corporate businesses for the year, so the IRS can
see if the payee reports the income on his federal income tax return.

W2 is another USA Internal Revenue Service tax form number, by which a
company reports money paid to each employee for the year. Same purpose as

1099's, W2's, etc, are US Tax related forms and processes....I'm not sure
what the equivalent would be in Mexico...


On Wed, 19 Dec 2001, rpaz wrote:
T4's are Statements from Revenue & Taxation Canada that state your previous
year's income, deductions, Pension plan contribution, Unemployment Insurance
contibutions, etc. T4's are needed to file your income tax return which
determines whether you need to pay more tax for the previous year or if you
overpaid tax and now are eligible for a refund.

I have no idea what a W2 or 1099 is but I imagine it's similar to a T4 but
for the USA.

Colin Dawes
Thank's Colin; since I'm in Mexico, I think I shouldn?t worry about that...