Optio Vendor...

Ricardo Paz

Reputable Poster
Hi all JDE List memmbers...

Just to warn all the Mexican Comunity (specially Monterrey) about a Consoulting Company called Desicion Tecnologica S.A. de C.V.

I've been having serious problems with them....

(by the way they are also vendors of BITAM, so be carefully)

**Erick I'm sorry about this post, but I wouldn't like any other guy to have the same experience***

OW XE SP 19.1 U5 W2K SP 4 MSSQL 7.x SP3

Ricardo Paz Casta=F1=F3n
Corporate IT Manger
Comercial de Herramientas S.A. de C.V.
+52 (81)81-96-26-49