XE Year End ESU?


Active Member
Does anyone have the number of the Year End ESU for XE?

I have just spent most of the last hour slogging through the online screens - literally going around in circles and found lots of info about it, but no links to it.

Many Thanks
the first W2 ESU was JD22481. There's a second W2 ESU, (JD22804) and another 1099 ESU that's scheduled to come out this week.
You can find them in the Update Center -
Thank you Julie for the alert on the new 1099 ESU. 22698 is on hold and can not be downloaded. The site says a new cum ESU is due out today for 1099 updates. Strange that solution 200949125 and SAR 7318724 do not reflect this change. Ok, maybe not so strange...

Happy New Year all!
The new 1099 esu is available for download: JD22906

Dave Rammer
Sheboygan County