WO completion without inventory issue


Hi All,
I can complete work order fully / with superbackflush, without issuing the inventory for the work order
Is there any check to prevent work order completion if the inventory is not issued for that work order ?
Thanks in advance.
Hi Nescio

I am not aware of a (standard) method to prevent completion without issue. However you could create a UBE which verifies if any parts have been issued (F3111) when an order reaches a certain status (F4801). If you run mfg journals and variances before items are issued, you will get huge variances reported.
If this is a big issue in your organisation, you should consider changing WO status (either manually or through the UBE) when no issues are recorded as to prevent update in R31802


We created a Custom UBE that is run prior to the accounting runs and only updates the status of a work order when issues and completions have been done.
The accounting runs only pick up WO's at that status.

It is not waterthight, but it proofs to be working.

Jan Jaap Weerstand
Freecon Consultants
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