What would you do?


Active Member
List, I have just started working for a company where Peoplesoft completed our 8.11/8.94.E1 implementation, not an upgrade. Unfortunately I started after the install and am new to HTML. Last Friday, our PeopleSoft consultant determined we are having "technical issues" with row security and has asked that we install the K1 "one off" which just became available today, May 31. We do not have multiple foundation configured and are "going live" this week.

I have a few questions.

1) would you go from E1 to K1 when K1 was just released today?
2) would you install any service pack and/or one off without Multiple Foundation
3) I've searched both the KG and JDELIST and the most current installation instructions I could find are on the KG under the Software Update Installation Guides and is titled Tools Release and software updates ERP 9.0 dated November 2002.
4) Do you know where I could find more recent documentation for installing a "one off" for 8.11 or is this guide still good?
5) Lastly, this guide does not document how to install a service pack or a "one off" to Websphere on Wintel which is completely new to me. I'm fine with the Deployment and Enterprise server but have not done a Web Server. Would appreciate your patience if you could help me find the documentation or point me in the right direction.


iseries 400, V5R2, 8.11, 8.94.E1, Web server on Intel
I wont take a guess at whether you should do it or not, but this may help you decide....
There is no difference in how you install 8.94, to how you install a 'one-off' for 8.94 ie. the 'one-off' includes the full tools release code. so you backup the system & related folders and install it, restart services and you are nearly done (if you were running fat clients).
Installing JAS Tools code on websphere makes it much more time consuming. You will need an hour or so of down time just to install the JAS onto websphere. But if you havent done it before, you will need much longer.
The JAS install instructions are part of the Websphere installation guide.
I dont think you will need to do a webgen if you are just taking a 'one-off', but i'm not sure, and i usually do one just to be safe, so there is another few hours gone....
NO! I do not recommend changing anything one week before go live. I am assuming your users have already gone through their prototyping activities on the E1 service pack. You do not want to introduce any changes to the system at this point, UNLESS your entire user team agrees to retest ALL process. Without 100% retesting, do not do it. Theoretically, a tools release shouldn't effect any applications. BUT in reality, it could effect things like look and feel, workflow process, application accesses, transaction processing, etc. If your consultant demands it, then you demand go live get pushed back until all retesting is completed.
I would not implement the service pack at this point. I would try to understand whether you really ARE having technical issues, whether the service pack IS required, whether a work-around is available to prevent these issues from becoming major, and whether this pushes back your go-live.

If you MUST implement this service pack, then I would stress to JDE/Oracle that you need to re-test everything once again, and you will have to evaluate how long this would take.

Of course, I wouldn't implement ANY service pack unless it had been "bedded in" for 3 months personally.
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