WEB Search&Select Problem



Active Member
Hi List,

I have a custom Search&Select App being used as a visual assist on a custom DD item. The whole point is to be able to select from the list and bring the item back to the PO. Everything works just fine on Fat Client, however when deployed to the web the Select radio button does not appear. One of the other POs uses P0005S, another search&select, and it's button does appear. I've compared these two apps and they seem the same. What am I missing? Is this a development problem or something CNC needs to do, or something else altogether?

Any input appreciated.


AS400, Fat Clients, JAS Server, SP23
Hi Chuck,

We've had a similar problem on a PO template, which may be related. We had a custom DD item with a UDC table attached. You couldn't see the UDC table in the portal. The fix was to change the data dictionary item - We had to make it point to the UDC Search & Select form on the Visual Assist tab of the data dictionary.

Try comparing the DD definitions of your custom DD and the one which is working correctly.

Something simple which you have probably done. Have you updated the DD specs on the Web server (running R92TAM and R98CRTGL locally and moving the appropriate spec files to where they should be) and generated the serial objects for the DD?
Thanks for your input Jane. I think my problem is a little different. The Search and select pgm works well and shows us all the data we need, but there is no radio button on the left to click. It's funny, but a simular pgm that did not have a button last week now DOES have one. It's like it came out of nowhere. I'm hopeing mine grows a button too!

Thanks Again,


This sounds interesting. I will present it to our CNC people tomorrow. You may have something here.

Thanks for your input!


The CNC people did do this process last night and many things cleared up, but the Search&Select pgm I wrote sill does not have a web like select button on the side. I think this is a developer problem... I just don't know how. The search&selects I have researched work just like mine and the coding is the same, but, on the web, they have a select button and mine doesn't.

Thanks for the tip,


Here are a couple of other things to try.

Have you checked the form properties and the grid properties. Ensure that the form properties window has "Search & Select Form Properites" as the window title (I've accidentally used the wrong form type before), and that the properties are the same as a Search & Select app that works on the web. Ensure that the grid properties are also the same as a Search & Select app that works on the web, particularly the HTML Properties at the bottom of the window, ensure that the "Hide Grid Row Selector" is not checked.

Finally, whether or not you have changed anything in your app, deploy it again to the web server (or perform a get in OMW on the web server if it has a fat client installed) and regenerate the serial objects. For some unknown reason, sometimes putting the specs on the web server and regenerating the serial objects for an app can fix a problem, even though there has not been any change made.

All the best for finding a resolution.
This is followup to the Web Search and Select problem. The soluation was to uncheck the 'Hide Selection Column'. Seems odvious, but it works now and my thanks for the input I recieved.

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