User Groups?


VIP Member
Would inviting JDE User Groups to post announcements in a User Groups forum be valuable? I have been searching for compatible user groups that I can join and/or contribute to. Now that I am on the bench, I have been searching to no avail, except to get Quest and Northeast Users Group and a bunch of sales attempts on Google. When I was traveling regularly, I was trying to find out about activities near where I was located, but also to no avail.

I think that having a forum for user groups to post their activities would generate a lot of interest.

And if that possibility is not available, can someone let me know of any JDE EnterpriseOne or related user groups in Denver?

And am I wrong, or does Quest cost to join?

Ben, Developing a user group requires much leadership and much time and volunteer labor. Are you in a position to take the lead on this? Questnet has already made those investments and has that infrastructure to run a user group. No money required on your part to receive some of those user group benefits. Check out Questnet. Eric.
Ben, The Questnet Upgrade Consortium needs someone to prepare and give JDE presentations on an ongoing basis related to upgrades and World topics.
Collaborate needs help also.
COLLABORATE 09 is quickly approaching. Now is the time to mark your calendar and make your
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Eric, Please read my post carefully. At no time am I looking for someone to 'develop a user group'. I was asking if JDEList might consider creating a forum for user groups to advertise their activities. This way, those of us who wish to connect, can do so in a straight forward manner.

I have nothing against Quest, but they are in the business of making money (nothing wrong with that), so I was remembering back to the "good ole days" when members of a user group would each take turns hosting a meeting (usually once a month). Can't seem to find that kind of user group out there.

But, in keeping an open mind, I decided to give Quest net a chance. After an hour of figuring out: how to find Quest, register (didn't want to take my company), and find the Users Group page, here's what I found.

A) the only user group available to me is Rocky Mountain User Group which supports 6 states.
B) in looking at the forum information, the most recent post was Aug 22nd of last year.
C) the file library was one week newer.
D) But the good news was that there is a Quarterly meeting coming up in 10 days! and it is just 5 miles up the street! So I go to the details to see about signing up.
E)So far everything is looking good, but then I see a Member Information button and click it. {enter dramatic music here} Oh, $50 per single meeting per individual. {big sigh}

(at this point, I have deleted a few paragraphs where I start to digress)
So there you are. I am a OneWorld / EnterpriseOne Developer that has been on the bench too too long, and am in need of my own stimulus package.

In regards to your second post, if you had these same opportunities on the EnterpriseOne side, I would be happy to get involved.

OK Eric, I am duely humbled. I've been a member for how long and have been unaware til now. Maybe there are others that are unaware as well, so maybe I'm taking one for the team.....

I guess I just never thought of user groups as vendors......but then I neber dit thingk too cleerily.

I guess I was just looking for a link (thinking that User Groups would be much more prevalent than say...Who's Online or Subscribe and Unsubscribe) in the main welcome window....

Interesting that a user didn't point me in that direction....hmmmmmmmm.
What? You want me to make this stuff easy to find? What kind of challenge is that!
Perhaps we need to find a better name than 'Vendor Directory" or just move them out of the Vendor Directory area to a forum. A forum is probably best since it would provide greater visibility.