UBE Disapearing Lines


Active Member
I am building a report for a Line Printer, when I generate the report, the PDF is OK, but when I print it, some lines are gone, dissapear.
I dont see anything wrong with these lines , this happens unexpectedly with any row.

Has anyone seen these Ugly output from UBE and has any knowledge to share.

then it will not print, also check for hidden fields, this too will cause p=
roblems. It seems that the line printer still sees these hiddedn line=
s. Hope this helps.</P>


Ken Stern
DTI Senior Consul=

No I dont Have anything Hidden, not a section, not a an object, nothing hidden at all.

I think this has to do with the Line Printer Setup.

Any other Advice is wellcome

Perhaps someone could offer better help if you specified the printer and model. But I am not sure.

I have had problems with a couple different printers. I believe the last problem was solved when I switched to a lower-level HP driver.

Good luck. I believe this is solvable.

Thanks, Dave

The problem was solved with the grid alingment on the UBE, now I am having problems with the decimals alingment, that is why I love UBE.
for a 10 CPI line printer, you can right align well with 12pt courier new...
Hopefully it won't mess up your vertical alignment.